I personally wanted to reach out and ensure you that we are here for you through this trying time. To comply with the shelter in place order we will only be able to dispatch vendors for essential services. Essential services, as examples, are considered access to hot water, heat, and at least one operational toilet. Any non-essential service/maintenance request will be tabled until we are all past this.

We are grateful several vendors we work with agreed to continue providing the essential services you may need during the shelter in place order. To schedule such a service please login to your Tenant Portal and place a New Service Request. Please when making your service request notate that the service requested is “essential.” If you do not yet have a tenant portal login one will be provided to you in the next 48 hours. Please do everything you can to keep all communications and maintenance requested through the Tenant Portal. If you do not have internet access you may call the office and follow the prompts to leave a message with the live 24-hour operator. Please do not do both. We are here and we will respond.

We are committed to supporting you, our tenants, during these unprecedented times. We also need to request your support – for the health and safety of vendors sent to help you social distancing must be practiced. For more information visit the CDC website.

Prior to service please clear the space to and around the area the vendor will be working in of all personal belongings.

For the health and safety of the Woodminster staff please do not go to the office – our physical brick and mortar office is temporarily closed. We will be working from home and will reopen the office when the shelter in place order has been lifted. Also, for everyone’s health and safety please do not mail or drop off rent payments. For the foreseeable future all rent payments should be made via the Tenant Portal.

For those that pay through your bank’s online Bill Pay – those payments come through the mail as a check. Please cancel them and setup payment in the tenant portal. Rest assured that online payments through our Tenant Portal are and will remain a free service.

For those that pay by money order or cashier’s check, through the shelter in place order you will need to pay through the Tenant Portal. If that is not possible, we have partnered with a company called Rent Money and for those that have previously paid by cashier’s check or money order I will send you instructions soon.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to reach out either to me directly or to a Woodminster Real Estate Company representative.

Thank you for your patience,

A man wearing a formal blue and white shirt and tie proficiently manages property maintenance and leasing in the East Bay area, specifically Oakland.
A white airplane soaring over a dark blue background in Oakland Rentals.

Nicholas Drobocky, CEO
Woodminster Real Estate Company, Inc